Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thank You! A Message From Dr. Mark Smutny

Dear Friends,

June is traditionally the month when we publicly recognize two important ministries at PPC: Christian Education and Music. Accordingly on June 3, we will honor all who have been involved in ministries of education from nursery workers to adult education teachers, youth advisors to Sunday school teachers. We will thank God for those who teach us about Jesus and the implications of the Christian faith whether we are children, youth or adults.

Then on June 10, we will sing the praises of our music ministry with a glorious music celebration Sunday. All choirs will participate. We will joyously give thanks to God for all who make it possible: children and parents, choir members and directors, composers and section leaders, amateurs and professionals alike. We will make a joyful noise to the Lord, giving thanks to God who makes it all possible.

While we make an extra effort to recognize and publicly thank these important ministries, there are many more, less visible, but equally valuable ministries that also deserve recognition. These ministries do not receive much publicity. Yet their deeds are also what make a church, a church. The people who practice countless acts of kindness, who bear witness to Christ through thousands of deeds of concern may not be especially visible. Yet they deserve our thanks. They weave a tapestry of love that makes us stronger. They make us who we are. They, too, do God's work.

I wish to name some of them. I thank the Deacons. I thank them for their loving care. I thank them for their hospital and nursing home visits to the sick and the fragile. I thank God for the hands they hold and the prayers they utter for the dying, for the scared, for those who need comfort and for their loved ones who need company. Thank you for your gentle love and your ministry of service.

I thank those who arrange flowers with such care. You know who you are. I thank those who deliver them to those who need a loving smile and kind face from the church. Thank you. It means so much. Thank you, too, to those who prepare communion elements and bring them to the communion table, then clean up afterward. Thank you. I notice. We who walk through the kitchen on Sunday morning notice your love. Thank you to all who pray for the sick and the grieving. Thank you for praying each and every day.

Thank you for praying for me. It means so much that you pray for me. Some days when I get tired and I feel cranky, your prayers and the knowledge that you are praying for me is what gives me strength. Thank you. Thank you for your love.

I thank God for all the ministries that welcome people and help people connect to one another. I thank God for the welcoming people at the church Information Table on the patio, the church volunteers in the office, the greeters and ushers and the refreshment and cookie providers. I thank God for the ministries of the Congregational Life Committee and all the fun activities they have organized through the years. I wish to thank the ministries of TOTALITY and Young Adults, Presbyterian Women and the Men's Group, all the other groups and circles, the people who organize dinners, lunches and brunches. These groups provide glue, care, fellowship, fun and friendships that bind us one to another. You are a gift from God, and I give thanks to God for all of you. Forgive me if I have left some of you out. Thank God for all of you.

I thank God for the collectors of money, of checks, offerings and tithes; for ushers on Sundays and during concerts and special occasions who conscientiously guard the financial gifts of the people and see that these gifts are placed in safe keeping. Thank you for integrity and welcoming smiles. I thank God for those who count the money on Monday mornings. You count offerings week after week with diligence, honesty and precision. Your work is a labor of love. You are faithful stewards. Well done. Thank you.

I thank God for the Trustees and all who serve on Trustee committees. As we have worked together over the years to keep PPC going in our ministry of facilities and finance, I want you to know how much I am grateful for all of you. Together we have worked long, long hours. I know many of you would rather be singing in the choir or participating in a small group or sitting at home. Instead, you have given to the church sacrificially to keep this old, majestic church going. It's an act of love to do what we do together. I know it is. I notice what you do. I know God notices what you do. Thank you. Thank you.

I thank God for the Session. I am thankful for the ways we invite God into our decision-making. I'm impressed and thankful for the many times when we face big decisions, and we often laugh together. Laughter is a sign that we love each other. I give thanks for how thoughtful you are and how courageous. I give thanks that our meetings usually end before 10:00 p.m. Thank you.

I thank God for the PPC staff. You work too hard. I expect too much of you. Sometimes I am unfair. For that I am sorry. Sometimes I do not listen. Forgive me. You do not get paid enough for what you do. I wish we could pay you more. Thank you for your amazing devotion to this church and to our Lord we serve together. We would not do what we do if we did not believe that we are serving Him. Thank you for all the extra time and devotion you pour into this church. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Faithfully and with much love and thanksgiving,

Your friend and pastor,
Dr. Mark

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