Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Fun Financial Idea!

Have you ever made a personal or household budget? Have you ever sat down to create a strategy to give more, save more, or spend in ways that are more enjoyable for you or helpful to others?

Here is one form of a financial challenge. Feel free to participate or alter it in a way that is most helpful to you!

1. Create a Personal/Household Budget
a) Designate specific amounts of money to various types of expenses.
b) Within this budget, designate a particular amount of money or percentage of income to charitable giving.

2. Find Creative Ways to Cut Costs
Throughout the month, find creative ways to cut costs within the particular categories of your budget (i.e. ways to spend less than your designated amount for groceries, gas, etc.)

3. Calculate the Unspent Remainder At the End of the Month
a) Add up the unspent money from your various categories.
b) Designate 50% of the remainder to 1) savings or 2) your debts.
c) Designate 50% of the remainder to 1) more charitable giving and/or 2) and item you are saving to purchase.

Have fun with this!

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