Sunday, January 1, 2012

Beginning a New Year: Live the Questions!

It's that time again! The calendar has shifted, and 2012 has begun. What are your hopes for this year? What are your dreams?

As we've neared these days, we may have associated 2012 as an election year. Or perhaps we've associated 2012 as that strange year where the Mayan Calendar just stops. . . Or on a more personal level, perhaps this is the year where you hope to meet some New Year's resolution.

But what else can it be? What else can be dreamed and experienced at Pasadena Presbyterian Church? These are questions we want to ask this year. These are questions we want to live together this year. So as these days of newness begin, let's spend some time in prayer asking these questions: What does God dream for our church, and how are we individually and collectively called into that dream?

So in the coming months, I hope to voice these questions again and again. And beyond voicing such questions, I hope we can live together in such a way as to make unexpected directions possible.

This year, I especially invite you to be mindful and prayerful of. . .

. . .opportunities to deepen multicultural relationships within our church
. . .opportunities to grow young adult communities within our congregation
. . .opportunities to build strong, intergenerational ministry
. . .opportunities to nurture the gifts of newcomers and long-time members

Let's dream together.
Renee Roederer

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