Monday, February 27, 2012

Hollow of God's Hand. . .

We are all held in the hollow of God's hand,
loved children of the universe,
born from the life which flows from God,
freed to the fullness of God's creation,
with all its beauty and variety.

We are all worth dying for in Christ Jesus,
all called to risen life in Christ's rising.
The way of Jesus gives us footprints for our following,
and our trials and longings are known
in the frailty of Christ's birth among us
and the courage of Christ's walking with us.

We are called to new things in the Spirit,
in the hope that stirs in unlikely moments,
in the home we find in the wastelands of our wanderings,
the warmth we touch in the coldness of our need,
the opening of our hearts to adventures in belonging
and in the gathering in of those without a home.

-Affirmation of Faith from The Uniting Church in Australia

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