Friday, February 17, 2012

What Is Evangelism? How Do You Fit?

Oh. . . the E Word.

Evangelism. It's a word that many Christians are afraid to hear or think about. Yet it's a practice and a way of living to which we are called. Rather than staying afraid, we can be empowered and affirmed to live in this way.

So why are we afraid?

It's not difficult to discern some of the reasons we shirk away from the word 'evangelism.' First of all, many of us have had negative experiences with being evangelized. We associate evangelism with people who are determined to convince us that they have it all together and know all the answers to the important questions in life. We have memories of watching people act in ways that are disrespectful of cultures and religious traditions different than their own. We often associate evangelism with some obnoxious and unattractive ways of speaking and interacting. But that isn't what evangelism is about.

And the media doesn't help us either. The Biblical meaning of evangelism is quite beautiful. It means 'good news-ing,' living in response to God's good news for our world and sharing how that good news has changed our lives. In American culture, however, an 'evangelical' is most frequently defined as person who adheres to a list of political positions. This is a very limited and narrow definition of evangelism, and it involves an enormous shift from its original meaning!

So what is evangelism? And where do you see yourself in this picture, living in ways that call you toward 'good news-ing?' How do you fit into this way of life?

Evangelism is Proclamation and Worship.

Through God's love and vision for our lives, we are empowered to speak words of hope, challenge, and conviction to one another and to the people we encounter in our city. Our mission is to worship the Triune God. We do this through prayer, speech, song, physical movement, action, and public witness. We can all proclaim God's good news through worship!

Evangelism is Mission and Service.

Through God's love and vision for our lives, we are empowered to serve our community and the people we encounter in our city. Our mission is to enact social justice and to stand alongside those who are marginalized and considered 'outsiders' in our world. We can all proclaim God's good news through service beyond our walls!

Evangelism is Discipleship and Membership.

Through God's love and vision for our lives, we are empowered to invite people into a ministry of discipleship, following Jesus Christ in our city. We can invite people into the fellowship of our congregation. Our mission is to include others on the journey of discipleship, honoring their God-given gifts and experiences. We can all proclaim God's good news through invitation!

Evangelism is Welcome and Hospitality.

Through God's love and vision for our lives, we are empowered to practice ministries of welcome and hospitality toward our city. Our mission is to include others in the gracious love of God. We can all proclaim God's good news through hospitality!

Evangelism is Care and Healing.

Through God's love and vision for our lives, we are empowered to care and provide healing for people in our city. Our mission is to reach out to those who struggle with profound human needs through listening ears, loving forms of presence, and hands that seek to heal. We can all proclaim God's good news and live as healers in this world!

Evangelism is Art and Culture.

Through God's love and vision for our lives, we are empowered to engage music, art, language, dance, film, literature, poetry, and a multitude cultural expressions in our city. Our mission is to discern God's Spirit and to speak in and through the many gifts of our lives together. We can all proclaim God's good news and celebrate the beauty that is found in our world!

Where do you fit? How are you called to live a life of good news?


  1. This is a very good expansion upon the meaning of evangelism in action. Thanks.

  2. You're quite welcome! Thanks for your reply.
