Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Letter to the Congregation from Dr. Mark Smutny

Dear Friends,

Easter arrives and I feel renewed. Signs of new life abound at PPC. Renee Roederer is now The Reverend Renee Roederer, our Associate Pastor. Renee brings to PPC enthusiasm and a compelling vision of outreach to the community. She shows us how to deliver care cookies to PPC students, reach out to Iraqi War Vets and meet the "spiritually hungry and institutionally suspicious" right where they are. We're now chaplains, together, to the Pasadena Playhouse District, my beloved playground. I am convinced that Renee's along with God's vision will enable us to establish a practical plan with outcomes in mission, outreach and also new forms of worship. Through Renee's guidance and engaging spirit, we will extend the hospitality of Jesus as we express so clearly in our Vision Statement. I caution you, we have not called her to do the work of ministry for us, but for her to enable and inspire us to do our ministries as the whole people of God. May she inspire you to take on your unique ministry as we thrive, grow and extend the hospitality of Jesus and the love of God.

As I write this letter, the Spanish Language Pastor Search Committee has nearly completed its work and is preparing an offer to a candidate who I believe God will bless us with his incredible gifts. His name cannot yet be released as the terms of his employment are still being negotiated. Nevertheless, we have the added excitement of another essential staff member joining the PPC pastoral staff within the space of a month or so. I stand on tiptoes waiting for his arrival and pray for the Spanish language ministry. May all of us have vision for them.

I am also thrilled at the energy, imagination and vision that are just beneath the surface of our congregation ready to be released, including the following seeds being planted:

-The PPC Green Team that is developing specific ways for us to care for creation through the ministries of advocacy, recycling, lifestyle simplification and education;

-The group that meets at the Anderson/Smutny home planning a new outreach to the Playhouse District and a possible Sunday evening Taize worship service;

-The discussions I hear percolating here and there about a Wednesday evening equivalent of Music at Noon held outside on the church patio, not in the sanctuary, where we would reach out to the thousands of young professionals, students and families who live in the apartment buildings all around PPC and elsewhere in the Central District. The idea is to combine music events with catered food from area restaurants like El Portal and Noir Restaurant, thereby activating our patio space with people from our surrounding neighborhood. Imagine the people and the new life! We'd need some colorful tables and chairs that aren't worn out like the ones we have in Fellowship Hall but imagine the new people!

These and other ideas give me such hope that our church will grow again. Maybe it's because Easter is a season of hope and every Sunday is Easter Sunday.

See you in church. Happy Easter!

Faithfully yours,
Dr. Mark Smutny

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