Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day: Prayers of the People

Holy God,

You are among us in large ways – always beyond us, always before us, always loving us with love as high as the heavens.  And you are among us in ways so near.  You are closer than our very breath. 

You, like a mustard seed, found in the ideas that spring forth from a sermon.
You, found in the laughter of children.
You, found when someone from our church family smiles at us and we know we belong.

You are with us – Beyond and Near.

You are Father and Mother to us.  As we remember this Father’s Day, we give thanks, and we offer prayers.  We are grateful for men who raised us – for those who tucked us into bed at night, for those who taught us so many lessons throughout our lives.  We are grateful for grandfathers who delight in the laughter of their grandchildren.  We are grateful for men of many ages – brothers, friends -- who teach us about faith.  We give you thanks that we are all invited to give birth and life to one another. 

 We honor people for whom Father’s Day is a difficult– for fathers who have lost a child or a grandchild, for those who never knew their fathers, for those who lost their fathers through death, for those who are estranged, for those whose fathers are ill, for those whose fathers have lost their memories, and for those whose fathers are serving overseas in the military.  We trust you as our Father to hold those difficult memories and feelings to yourself and to redeem them.  We believe.  Help Thou our unbelief.

And today, as a community of mothers, fathers, children, brothers, and sisters, we pray for those who are suffering, those among us and those across this world. . .

. . . for those who are grieving

. . . for those who are unemployed or underemployed

. . . for those who are filled with spiritual questions that won’t leave them alone.

. . .for those who know hunger in a way we’ve never experienced

. . . for immigrants who live in fear

. . . for children who are bullied at school

. . .for the people of Syria who fear death at every turn

We are connected to these people, and we believe that in some way, our very prayers give birth and life to them through your Spirit.

We honor you today.  We give you thanks.  We pray for this world’s healing.  And as your children, we are bold to pray even now the prayer that Jesus taught us, saying. . .
Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy Kingdom com., Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever.  Amen.

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