Thursday, June 21, 2012

Festival Day! Trilingual Worship and the Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers

This Sunday will be a very special one at Pasadena Presbyterian Church!  We are having trilingual worship with Korean, English, and Spanish Language Ministries at 11:00am.  We invite all of you to participate in our multicultural expression of worship and friendship.

After worship, we will have a meal and hold our Annual Congregational Meeting in Fellowship Hall.  You are invited to learn about the wonderful ministries that are happening at PPC.

And then it's time for games and fellowship!  We will build our relationships together by playing games and socializing on the PPC Patio.

Finally, we have a very special treat at 4:00pm.  You are invited to hear the voices of Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers, who have toured since 1968 delivering to the world the history, beauty, and sheer majesty of the Negro spiritual.  Dr. McNeil has dedicated his life and career to education and to the performance of the spiritual as concert music.  The ensemble will perform traditional and contemporary spirituals and gospels as well.  Concert works by other African American composers will highlight the concert.  Free Admission (a $20 donation is suggested).

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