Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spotlight on Ministry: Kaleidoscope Bible Studies!

From time to time, we love to spotlight particular ministries that are happening in our life together at Pasadena Presbyterian Church. As a multi-cultural congregation with English, Korean, and Spanish-language ministries, we love to hear what our various language fellowships are doing these days. Rev. Luis Madrigal, pastor for Latino/a ministries at PPC, is letting us all know about a vibrant Bible Study that takes place on Sundays within our congregation:

"I want to share with you the exciting happenings within Latino/a Ministries’ Adult Education on Sunday mornings. As you know, some 12 members and friends of Latino/a Ministries were trained in the methodology of the “Calidoscopio Estudio de la Biblia” a few months back. This training provided Latino/a Ministries with at least 6 to 8 trained facilitators on any given Sunday morning.

So, this is what we do. The Bible lesson is prepared based on the lectionary passage of Scripture that I use for the Sunday sermon. As Latino/as exit the chapel they are ushered directly to Fellowship Hall and sat down in groups of at least 6. A facilitator is immediately assigned to each group. And the Bible begins. Those of you that are somewhat familiar with the Kaleidoscope Bible Study methodology know that the Scriptures are read 3 times followed by a question. This has proven to be a powerful learning tool for Latino/a Ministries members and friends..

The methodology lends itself to groups that have illiterate members. The sight of watching some 20 to as high as 36 persons engaged in the Bible study is amazing to me. There is no one expert present. Yet, each person has an opportunity to respond to the Scriptures on a very personal level. Even our non-readers join in. It’s simply that powerful. The final question is always: “What is God through this Scripture telling you to be, to do, or to change?” These folks, that have been provoked by a sermon on the passage they are now engaged in, respond in the most amazing ways. In the past they would have sat passively listening up to 45 minutes to an hour, never able to say what they thought or were feeling about the Bible in their lives.

As the teaching elder of Latino/a Ministries, these experiences have been very rewarding and satisfying."

-Rev. Luis Madrigal

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