Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Prayer

Loving God,

On this day we give thanks to You. We honor You and praise You for the ways You sweep us up into the joys of this world - in sunshine, in embraces, in smiles, in laughter, in delicious food, in music, in the sounds of conversation. Through all these gifts - mentioned and unmentioned - we are called into full living, into the abundant life to which You call us.

On this day we ask for Your help. We cry to You and pray to You because of all the ways we are swept up into the difficulties of this world. We pray for Your touch in our sickness, for Your healing in our addictions, for Your truth in our doubts, for Your loving posture in our questions.

We pray for Your nurturance in our pain, for Your sustenance in our poverty, for Your kindness in our bitterness, for Your presence in the face of death. In all these difficulties - mentioned and unmentioned - we are called to persevere and to receive Your gift of full living, into the abundant life to which You call us.

On this day we pray for solidarity with all those who are suffering. We pray for Your guidance in our city, Your wisdom in our nation, and for Your justice in a world that is hurting. Especially today we pray for nations that are war-torn and places that are experiencing political upheaval. . .

For Mexico . . .
For Iraq . . .
For Afghanistan . . .
For Tunisia. . .
For Russia . . .
For Egypt . . .

On this day we pray for Love, that we might be a part of the very prayers that we make. Help us to embrace our Brothers and Sisters whether they live a world away or just down the street.

And in name of the One who has taught us Love, we pray the prayer that Jesus taught us, saying:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.

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