Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prayers for the Middle East. . .

In the wake of Egypt's recent political protests, citizens of other nations in the Middle East are protesting their governments as well. Each situation is unique in the demands of the protesters, but some protesters have been killed and injured today in the push-back from these governments.

Protesters went to the streets in Iran today, and they were met with tear gas.

Protesters went to the streets in Bahrain today, and they were met with tear gas, rubber bullets, and birdshot pellets.

Protesters went to the streets in Yemen today - more than 1000 people - to protest and demand political reforms for the fourth day.

A highly organized opposition group in Kuwait is planning various gatherings on March 8th to demand a change in cabinet officials.

And other nations are experiencing pressures for various reforms as well. Let's continue to pray for those who are living in the Middle East, that justice may emerge strongly and that peace may exist in the lives of people who live in the region.

"Egypt Echoes Across Region: Iran, Bahrain, Yemen" by the Associated Press gives details about each of these movements.

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